Our Programs

INFANT PROGRAM( Ages 6 weeks to 18 months)

Our infant program is focused on the natural curiosity and energy of babies. At Montessori Academy we surround babies with attractive pictures, mobiles, colors and soft toys to stimulate exploration. We never impose fixed schedules for infants. Feeding, sleeping, playing and snugglingall happen according to a routine that fits your child’s needs. At Montessori Academy, we will provide your child with lots of attention and variety of activities to encourage her or his overall development.
Activity Area for Infants:
Movement Area – Here infants can practice the motor skills such as rolling over, sitting up, crawling, pulling up, climbing and eventually walking.
Curiosity Area (Sensory Center) – In this space children are provided with opportunities for multi-sensory play. Here infants begin to explore different materials. They squeeze toys, explore various sounds, and watch themselves make faces in the mirror, play with busy boxes and do other activities that stimulate the five senses.
Feeding Area– The area where food is stored and prepared and babies eat their meals.
Outdoor Play Area– This area provides a sate and interesting place for babies to be outside when weather conditions are appropriate.

Manipulative Area – In this center infants squeeze and grip toys, play with mobile pull toys, catch balls, fit a triangle into shape box, and start working on three and four pieces wooden puzzles and puzzle blocks.
Sleeping Area– This is the area of the classroom where infants sleep. Since each infant has her of his own schedule. This nook is designed for sleeping infants only.
All our age appropriate activates are designed to provide an enriching environment that stimulates exploration and enhances baby’s development.

TODDLER (Ages 19 months to 3 years)


At montessori Academy we know that learning begins from day one. In our Toddler programs, children learn through play and a wide variety of child-centered activities. They learn fine and gross motor skills and achieve developmental milestones. Helping children develop language skills and use words to express their feelings and thoughts are significant parts of the program. We give children plenty of hands-on opportunities to explore art materials in a safe environment. The focus is on learning through fun play and activity, including music, movement and a variety of sensory learning experiences. The program offers children a well-rounded and rich learning experience.

PRE K PROGRAM (Age 4 years)

Children aged three to five are sensorial explorers that are constantly building their knowledge of the world by absorbing every aspect of their environment, language, and culture. Our Preschool Education Program caters to the specific needs of this age group by fulfilling their innate desire to learn through direct sensory experiences with self-teaching materials.  The focus of the Preschool Program is to prepare children for school and help them to develop independence, a strong sense of self, self-motivation, and a love of learning. The way in which we teach and children learn is as important as what we teach and how children learn our mission and values, teachers encourage and support each child’s unique style of learning, interests and talents.

KINDERGARTEN (Age 5 years)


The Montessori Academy program for pre kindergarteners helps children develop skills they will need in school, at a pace consistent with their individual development readiness. Small and large group activities at our activity centers and a well-planned day provide many exciting opportunities for individual exploration and plenty of teacher encouragement throughout the day provides an enriched environment that nourishes each child’s development. The program stresses exploration and experimentation while incorporating broad-based learning experiences that provide the foundation for academic success and promote a feeling of competency and confidence.
The integral part of this curriculum:

  • Includes language and vocabulary development
  • Focus on Mathematics, Science and Social Studies
  • Encourages thinking and problem solving
  • Provides an environment to develop an appreciation of books and reading
  • Prepare children for wider social interactions
  • Includes creative activities like art, music and dramatic play.

Activity Centers – Montessori Academy preschool rooms are divided into clearly defined learning areas, such as Mathematics, Science, Language Arts, Manipulative, Dramatic Play and Library each offering a wide range of interesting materials and activities are the child’s eye level.Each child passes through a range of social, academic and developmental stages at his own pace. Here are some guidelines for what to look forward to in the year ahead.

First Grade (Age 6 years)

In first grade your child will become more independent and learn how to adapt to the school’s routine. At Montessori Academy we understand that First grade is a pivotal grade in which the foundation for the rest of the primary grades is set and our program is designed to ensure that your child can transition from kindergarten to First Grade smoothly and condidently.

Building reading and writing and Math skill: Most critical in first grade is the development of reading and writing skills. Your child will move from pre-reading skills to building crucial language skills in reading, spelling and writing. In math your child will learn addition and subtraction facts, time, identify patterns in numbers and objects.
Assuming responsibility and routines:In first grade your child will begin to assume responsibility and reinforce learning through homework. You’ll want to prepare a quiet, organized work area and set aside time for her/him to do homework every day.
Each child passes through a range of social, academic and developmental stages at his own pace. Here are some guidelines for what to look forward to in the year ahead.

Please click here for the procedures and guidelines on covid19, we will be following to ensure the safety of staff and children they serve.